EE Curriculum

Elementary Education Curriculum

Degrees Offered

There are currently two different tracks students may choose in Elementary Education. Both of these degree programs offer Associate of Science (Years 1-2) and Bachelor of Science degrees (Years 3-4):

    • Elementary Education – regular K-8 teacher preparation program
    • Elementary Education: Native Language Emphasis – same as above, but including several courses in local and regional Native language

Associate degree graduates are prepared to work as paraprofessionals in public school districts or continue on to receive a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education. Bachelor degree graduates who qualify for licensure are eligible to teach in K-8 classrooms. Elementary graduates also obtain jobs in developing curriculum, tutoring, and mentoring.

After meeting specified requirements, students may enroll in the Teacher Education Program (TEP) for third and fourth year courses.

Bachelor Degree graduates are eligible for Elementary Education K-8 licensure in Montana after completion of specified requirements. See the Division of Education Teacher Education Program (TEP) Student Handbook for a description of these requirements. Graduation with a bachelor degree in elementary education is not a guarantee of licensure. The Elementary Education program is fully approved by the MT Office of Public Instruction and  accredited by the Montana Board of Public Education.

To view the current courses, sequence, and curriculum for each program, click on the name of the program below:

Elementary Education

Elementary Education: Native Language Emphasis

The Division of Education also has Endorsement programs that allow current degree holders to add MT teaching license endorsements:

Elementary (K-8) Endorsement program for Early Childhood:P-3 degree holders

Early Childhood:P-3 Endorsement for Elementary (K-8) degree holders

Want to know more? Contact SKC’s Division of Education:

Ellen Rose Bigcrane – Administrative Assistant, Division of Education

(406) 275-4750

Eric Hogenson – Faculty, Dept. Chair, Elementary Education

(406) 275-4762



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